Rooster Tail.

Welcome back fishing fanatics! It has been a long time since I have gone fishing in San Marcos and so eager to get back on the water! During the Thanksgiving break I fished in my hometown of Dallas, Texas. I also had a great time with family and friends. Here’s a picture of one of the bass I caught in Dallas over the break. It felt amazing going back to my fishing roots and catching some largemouth bass! But, as I said before, I am eager to get back on the San Marcos River and catch some smallmouth bass.

Fishing in Dallas.

Here in San Marcos the weather is starting to cool down a bit. Normally, when the weather starts to cool down so do the fish. They are not very active and tend to stay in one spot. This will change the strategy in my fishing tactics.  I will be using slow moving baits like football head jigs and slow moving crankbaits. It may be a challenge to find the fish but that just makes it even more fun!

Since I had my fishing strategy figured out, I headed down to the San Marcos River to catch some smallmouth bass. I arrived at Ramon Lucio and was eager to get my pole in the water. To my surprise the fish were still very active and the slow moving baits I thought would work in these colder conditions were not working very well. I had to change my strategy. As soon as I put on a Rooster Tail, the bite was on! I had a pretty awesome day of fishing. With each fishing outing I have fun and continue to learn more about these smallmouth bass.

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